Builder Trend
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We build the homes you want to own. Then we take care of them. All at the next level.

BuilderTrend: Our new cloud management software

Your new home is in the cloud.

We’re on a new software system that tracks all aspects of a job for both builder and client, including budget management, billing, selections, changes and status. Welcome to BuilderTrend.

What does this mean for you? Everything is at your fingertips, whether via mobile or computer.




Messages, schedules, selections, photos and videos, to-dos, change orders, warranty items and logs are all there. You can share any of the images right to your social media.


Anything that needs your attention is highlighted for easy navigation. The calendar display lets you easily manage your time to keep up with the pace of the job. And you can see the whole financial picture in real time. Plus you’ll already be receiving our weekly status document with photos and videos to show you progress.

Of course there is also messaging and comments that refer to specific areas of the job, so you can quickly see what’s being discussed and respond to it. You can review change orders and pricing, and instantly confirm or decline securely, with your secure signature. This means you can see how your choices will affect the bottom line in real time.


We’re confident that this will save all of us time and allow the process to flow even more smoothly to get your home built more efficiently.