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We build the homes you want to own. Then we take care of them. All at the next level.

Our new location in avalon and our shop and office in cape may court house, nj

Our new second location is 2900 Dune Drive in Avalon, a storefront renovated space with offices for our Property Management staff, Mr. President and a state of the art conference room for all. The walls are lined with huge photo prints of our latest home builds. It’s still a work in progress, but please stop by, we’re friendly.



Our main office and shop are located at 11 Clermont Drive in Cape May Court House, now with seven staff offices, a staff conference room and a huge shop and yard. We can stage and produce custom details, doors and trim, and have an Azek oven for molding custom curved railings and trim. We have storage space for everything from tools, materials and selection samples to custom trim we save for any client repairs needed further down the road. That’s pretty ‘Next Level’ service.

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